Saturday, January 5, 2013

Citroen Music Touch Limited Edition シトロエンミュージックタッチ限定車

From January 2013, 18th to 21st, Citroen offer a free Galaxy Tab 2 tablet.

Including 10 songs download per month during 1 year (12 months).

オファーは、(フランスのみ)すべてのシトロエン車のためである: C1, C3, C3 ピカソ, Nemo, Berlingo, C4, C4 Aircross, C4 ピカソ, C5, C8。
The offer is for all Citroen cars (france only):  C1, C3, C3 Picasso, Nemo, Berlingo, C4, C4 Aircross, C4 Picasso, C5, C8.