Monday, March 17, 2014

2015年は シトロエンDSの60周年ですよ: DS6 WR

2015 are the 60 years anniversary of the Citroen DS

At Geneva Motor Show 2014, Citroen DS CEO,Yves Bonnefont, announced that DS will be a separated brand. (View the Citroen Conference video here)

DS brand represent the Chic and stylish french cars. 

France is world leader of luxury brands: Chanel, Vuitton, Cartier, Hermes, Louboutin...


DS brand will not copy another premium cars strategy.
Citroen has culture of comfortable cars.
It will create Comfortable DS cars again.  (Talking about innovative suspension soon)

The picture on the top is a speculation from french magazine about next year new DS model.

DSブランドのCEOよりは、すべての新しいDS車はDS 5LSとワイルドルビと同様のスタイルのフロントグリル(DSウイング)になるという
According to DS brand CEO, all new DS cars will be similar style front grille (DS Wing) as the DS 5LS... and the Wild Rubi. 

This is the DS Wild Rubi. It will debut in China winter 2014.
 その名前についての憶測があります。 DS7XまたはDS X7
There is speculation about its name. DS 7X or DS X7? 

そして私はシトロエン名の著作権についての文書が見つかりましたDS6 WR。(Wild Rubi)
And then I found a document about Citroen copyright for a car name. DS6 WR. 

Anyway, 2015 is the 60 years anniversary of the Citroen DS. Citroen is preparing a new "Luxury" car to replace the Citroen C6.

 There is Also a B segment (DS3 size) new model that will be revealed in 2015.

Follow me on Twitter @FrenchCarGeek 

(Photos credits: Auto Plus / Citroen)