Friday, November 27, 2015


Adieu Citroen, Hello Peugeot !

Since September 2015, there is a new Citroen marketing director.
His name is "Arnaud Belloni".

Citroen marketing director decided to reduce the Competition racing Team budget for 2016.

その結果、2016年 WTCCレーシングチームは、4台の代わりに2台になります。(さよならセバスチャン・ローブとマー・チンホワ)
As a result, WTCC 2016 racing team will be only 2 cars instead of 4. (good bye Sebastien Loeb and Ma Qing Hua)
And cancellation of the participation of Citroen Racing to the 2016 WRC rally season.


Sebastien Loeb's WTCC racing contract was two years so the contract has simply ended and hasn't been renewed as was expected.
However, Sebastien Loeb's was Citroen brand face and this has been terminated by Citroen brand marketing director.

And as such events Sebastien Loeb has now become Peugeot brand face.

そしてそれは彼がプジョーの新車を促進することの意味です。 2017年の新しいプジョー208 IIを含みます。
And that means he will promote Peugeot new cars including the new Peugeot 208 II in 2017.

Funny fact, Sebastien Loeb's first rally car was a Peugeot 106.

新しいシトロエンC3 IIIはVWとトヨタに対して2017年のWRCシーズンを競います。
The new Citroen C3 III will compete 2017 WRC season against VW and Toyota.

誰が2017年に新しいシトロエンC3 IIIの促進になりますか?
Who will be promoting the new Citroen C3 III in 2017?

Wait & See...

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