Monday, February 8, 2016

やっと !!新型シトロエンC3 IIIの写真

At last some picture of the New Citroen C3 III !

新しいシトロエンC3 IIIは、プジョー208本体に基づいています。
The new Citroen C3 III is based on the Peugeot 208 body.

Within car designers, this is called a "reskin".

新型シトロエンC3 IIIの前面は、C4カクタスや Eメアリ 及びC1フロントグリルと類似していることが期待されます。
The front face of the new Citroen C3 III is expected to be similar to C4 cactus, e-Mehari and C1 front grille.

また、1.6Lターボチャージ限定版が期待されています。(2017年 WRCホモロゲために)
It is expected to be equipped with the same power train as the Peugeot 208. 
1.2L Turbocharged and 6 speed Aisin autimatic gearbox (EAT6).
 Also, a 1.6L Turbocharged limited edition is expected. (for 2017 WRC homologation)

There might be a concept car presented at 2016 Geneva Motor Show.

Wait & See...

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