Friday, December 28, 2012

シトロエンDS3 3レーシングのCM Citroen DS Racing TV Commercial

France TV commercial for the ds3 racing.

It features Sebastien Loeb (WRC world champion).

Citroen DS3 Racing is a limited edition version of the DS3.

Citroen DS3 Racing is available in only 2 colors, Blanc Banquise or Noir Obsidien.
シトロエンDS3レーシングは、わずか2色で利用可能です: ブラン バンキーズか、ノアール オプシディアン

PSAのトップ3工場の生産 Top 3 of Made in PSA

Ranking of Top 3 Citroen-Peugeot (PSA) factories.


PSA factories are on winter holidays from 22nd december to 7th of january. (Nice!)
So the production of cars for 2012 is finish and the ranking has been printed out.


1st place is the PSA Wuhan factory, in China. It produced 440,000 cars for the year 2012. (223,800 Citroen and 216,200 Peugeot)

 第一は、中国の武漢(Wuhan)工場、2012年には44万0000台車を生産しました。(22万3800台シトロエン と21万6200台プジョー)

Monday, December 24, 2012

シトロエンC3 II はブリュッセルのカーショーで発表される New Citroen C3 II Europa Debut

ポワシーPSAの工場は2013年1月に新しいシトロエンC3 IIの生産を開始する予定。
The Poissy PSA factory will start production of the new Citroen C3 II in january 2013.

It is expected to be shown at Brussels car show which is held from 11th to 20th January 2013.

トヨタProaceは、シトロエンによってなされ Toyota Proace made by Peugeot Citroen

Toyota ordered 5000 G9 Vans for the year 2013. (PSA group van named Citroen Jumpy, Peugeot Expert, also sold by Fiat as Scudo).
2013年トヨタヨーロッパで、5000台 G9バン(PSAグループの車:シトロエンJumpy / プジョーExpert / Fiat Scudo) を注文した。

This Toyota van made in France by PSA factory will be sold under the name of "Proace".

Sunday, December 23, 2012

シトロエンC4L中国TV CM Citroen C4L China TV Commercial

The tv commercial is in chinese of course.

The Citroen C4L looks very similar to Citroen C4 and DS4.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

シトロエンC2の トタールオイル:Quartz INEO ECS (Total Oil for Citroen C2)

Total collaborates with Citroen since 1968.

Since then, Total oil is the recommended oil for Citroen engine.

To get the best performance from your Citroen, it is recommended use Total oil.

シトロエン ピュアテック 1.0Lエンジン (Citroen PureTech 1.0L EB0 engine)

The new engine is to be installed on Citroen's C3, DS3 and C4 Elysee. (I can imagine this engine going to be fitted on the  2014 "E3" modern 2CV).

The new engine is assembled at Trémery (France).

The 1.0 liter PureTech engine is a 3 cylinders type developing 68hp.
The engine fuel consumption is more efficient than 4 cylinders bigger engines due to the fact that there are less parts and less friction generated by only 3 pistons. (Consumption is 4.6L/100km).

シトロエンDS5の新しいサスペンション Citroen DS5 New Suspension

The citroen ds5 will get revised suspension before its 2015 facelift

This news is from Thomas d’Haussy, Citroen Product manager.

シトロエンDS9 シューティングブレーク 2015 (Citroen DS9 Shooting break 2015)

車はPSAのハイブリッド 4の技術が装備されます。
Citroen DS9  will be equipped with hybrid 4 technology.

It is expected to be equipped with Aisin automatic gearbox

世界の終わりのためのシトロエンテレビCM (Citroen End of World Commercial)

Citroen TV commercial for the end of the world.

 Commercial for Citroen Select (Citroen Second hand cars).

 The message says: "As expected, only citroen used cars from Citroen Select are reliable"

Friday, December 21, 2012

シトロエンラリー2012のムービー (Citroen Rally 2012 Full movie)

Citroen Rally 2012 season full movie

The movie shows the complete 2012 WRC season and behind the scene of the Citroen team. それは完全な2012年のWRCシーズンを示しており、シトロエンチームの舞台裏。

19 allée des Marronniers; Full movie length 1h14min below.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

ヨーロッパでは、バイバイシトロエンC6言う (Europe says Bye-Bye Citroen C6)

The last Citroen C6 rolled out of Rennes Factory (France) on December, 19th, 2012.

The car will be the 23 384th produced Citroen C6. (Production span from 2005 to 2012)

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

中国では、シトロエンの新しいR&Dセンター (Citroen's new R&D center in China)

Citroen and Changan new joint venture company CAPSA (Chang'an / PSA) is starting to build a new R&D center in China.
中国でCAPSA(長安汽車/ PSAシトロエン)は、中国での新R&Dセンターを建設し始めている。
The new R&D center will be ready in 2014.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Blanc Banquise PSA Color code (PSA ブラン バンキーズ カラーコード)

Peugeot & Citroen Correspondent Color Codes


Peugeot & Citroen cars share the same colors but sometimes have different names.
However, the colors are the same and the color codes are the same.
So either you order it from a Citroen or Peugeot Dealer, the reference is the same.

Peugeot & Citroen is one and same company, named PSA Group.

So you just need to get the PSA reference number to order the color you need.

Ganache PSA Color code (PSA ガナッシュ カラーコード)

Peugeot & Citroen Correspondent Color Codes


Peugeot & Citroen cars share the same colors but sometimes have different names.
However, the colors are the same and the color codes are the same.
So either you order it from a Citroen or Peugeot Dealer, the reference is the same.

Peugeot & Citroen is one and same company, named PSA Group.

So you just need to get the PSA reference number to order the color you need.

2013年WRC シーズン (2013 WRC Season)

The 2013 World Rally Competition will kick-off at the prestigious Rallye of Monte-Carlo. 
That will be the 80th time the race is held in Monte-Carlo.

 Sebastien Loeb will participate in this race, also he will race the Rally of Finland and Rally of France.

Noir Obsidien PSA Color code (PSA ノアール オプシディアン カラーコード)

Peugeot & Citroen Correspondent Color Codes


Peugeot & Citroen cars share the same colors but sometimes have different names.
However, the colors are the same and the color codes are the same.
So either you order it from a Citroen or Peugeot Dealer, the reference is the same.

Peugeot & Citroen is one and same company, named PSA Group.

Blanc Nacré PSA Color code (PSA ブラン ナクレ カラーコード)

Peugeot & Citroen Correspondent Color Codes


Peugeot & Citroen cars share the same colors but sometimes have different names.
However, the colors are the same and the color codes are the same.
So either you order it from a Citroen or Peugeot Dealer, the reference is the same.

2012 Guangzhou Auto Show Dongfeng Citroen C4L

The New citroen C4L made its China debut at 2012 Guangzhou (Canton) Auto Show. 新しいシトロエンC4Lは広東オートショーでデビューしました。

The Citroen C4L is built by China Dongfeng-Citroen (PSA) joint venture company.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Rouge Lucifer PSA Color code (PSA ルージュ ルシフェール カラーコード)

Peugeot & Citroen Correspondent Color Codes

Peugeot & Citroen cars share the same colors but sometimes have different names.
However, the colors are the same and the color codes are the same.
So either you order it from a Citroen or Peugeot Dealer, the reference is the same.

Peugeot & Citroen is one and same company, named PSA Group.

Bleu Botticelli PSA Color code (PSA ブルー ボッティチェリ カラーコード)

Peugeot & Citroen Correspondent Color Codes

Peugeot & Citroen cars share the same colors but sometimes have different names.
However, the colors are the same and the color codes are the same.
So either you order it from a Citroen or Peugeot Dealer, the reference is the same.

Friday, December 14, 2012

19 allée des Marronniers, The 2012 Citroen Racing Movie

75min movie about the 2012 Citroen Racing Team races and pilots.

19 Allée des Marronniers is Citroen Racing Team's address, in Versailles, France.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Citroen DS5 Made in China (中国製のシトロエンDS5

Citroen DS5 will produced in China factory in 2013.

It will be produced at changan PSA factory.

The Citroen DS5 name in China is "Di-Yishi 5"

世界中でPSAプジョー·シトロエンの工場コード (worldwide Peugeot Citroen psa factories code list)

DAM code indicate the car manufacturing provenance.
This code is written on the seal inside the door.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Citroën Total Abu Dhabi World Rally Team 2013

WRCシトロエンチームのための新しいスポンサー: Abu Dhabi (アブダビ)
New sponsor for 2013 the WRC Citroen Team.

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